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Republicans screw America 2013, Pat Bagley Cartoon

Republican congress fail

Republican congress fail

Mr Bagley left out the Republican Christmas boulder smashing down upon the unemployed. But the good news is that the work – or non work – Republicans in Congress have accomplished benefits the JOB CREATORS who have gone from making only about 40 times as much as YOU, to about 500 times as much as YOU over the past 30 or so years.

The rise in YOUR income and net worth in that time has been about 2% rather than their 5000%. This of course is the proof in the pudding of just how right they are about supply side, free market, trickle down tax free economics!

So vote Republican because… I have no idea…

I can’t think of one single reason. Well other than wanting to give a kick in the head to Gays, women, African Americans, Hispanics, the poor, the working poor, the unemployed, hungry children, people with no health insurance, Liberals and anyone smarter than a boiled cabbage. And there you have crux of the matter. The WHY of HOW thy vote.