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Samantha Bee, albino rat Julian Assange and Trump stiffing employees

Samantha Bee, albino rat Julian Assange and Trump stiffing employees“She [Hillary] should have leaked them [her policy papers] to an albino rat hiding from rape charges in Ecuador’s basement.” Samantha Bee gives it to WIKILEAKS Russian agent Julian Assange.  Though the gist of this video is that the media gave three times as much time to Hillary Clinton’s emails than they did to all mentions of policy. Which is why I finally turned off the cable news networks. They are only in it for money and share and nothing else.

But the real story his is Trump policy employee Pratik Chougule, who like many others working for The Donald was stiffed out of his pay. Pratik Chougule a conservative Republican working for Trump. This is one of the cases that defies logic, like Republicans blacks, pro life women and gay conservatives, my god Pratik, you have a funny sounding name and went to work to support a xenophobic bigot who wants to send you and everyone like you packing back to whatever sludge pond you came from? Gosh, this divide runs deep.

No funny sounding names in America!  “Trump” is the new standard for American surnames and “Donny” the best of Christian name.