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Samantha Bee has a beautiful faraway dream!

Samantha Bee has a beautiful faraway dream!It’s okay, the alarm didn’t go off and you haven’t woken up yet, the boss is calling but you left your phone in the car. Sleep on baby sleep on. I am sure the media will never go there, but I wonder how many Americans have chosen the big sleep over this? I know lot’s of people who have talked about it. And many more who are too drunk to want to talk to.

But who wants to miss the next four years of the funniest in your face late night comedic smashmouth of a president in history. Many of whom may gave to find underground safe houses or soon to off to the bigly and terrific prison in Guantanamo Bay.  I feel it myself, what fun this is going to be before the bombs drop.

And it will becoming fast.  Even though The Donald has now gone two days without a saying something horrible and stupid, the next 71 days of appointments will be knock your socks off hilarious.  And please, if the alarm clock does go off and you peek out at the TV from under your covers, as we all did the other day, you need to look at this as you would going to the circus or you will eat yourself up emotionally.  And this Circus in the Orange does follows the real ones with the elephants being replaced by ever more clowns.