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Samantha Bee, Sarah Palin Steps down as Governor and Mother

This weeks polls show 71% of Republicans would vote for Sarah Palin for President!

Republicans like quitters it seems. Remember Richard Nixon after losing his run for California Governor in 1962?

"But as I leave you I want you to know — just think how much you’re going to be missing. You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference and it will be one in which I have welcomed the opportunity to test wits with you."

He was running for President 4 years later, and won.

The attraction to Sarah Palin by Republicans is that "She is just like Me!"

Shooting and gutting animals both large and small, membership in the American Taliban, having a slutty unwed mother living at home (the older one the older one) in a gigantic double wide.

But unlike the 71% who relate to her she does not seem to have any hardware or tatoos on her face or is showing any signs of obesity. I guess the best description of her what with that strange accent and all would be, Canadian Hillbilly. Beerme, dat Molson’s got the most alchohol doanyaknow…