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Stephen Colbert on How to Bork Sonia Sotomayor

With the Sotomayer Hearings we find the two biggest problems facing America are discrimination against White people and not enough guns.

A reminder of who Robert Bork was.

After the Saturday Night Massacre towards at the end of the Watergate Scandal the top two Justice Department leaders resigned rather than fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox as Nixon wanted. Tricky Dicky could only find one true fascist to do the dirty deed, Solicitor General Robert Bork.

Later  during his failed Supreme Court confirmation hearings Bork was the last to answer questions straight forwardly by loudly and angrily telling the Senate there was no right to privacy in the constitution and that he would do all that was possible to overturn a Woman’s Right to choose.

It was much like the Clarence Thomas hearings. A man was so intrinsically horrible and awful and over the edge into Right-wing La La Land that any means to keep him off the highest court was not only fair game but an absolute necessity. Thus the term Borked… Denying a person an appointment for the good of humanity.