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Sean Spicer says his party was huge, more guacamole than reported! FOD

Since Monday George Orwell’s 1984 book has gone to #5 at Amazon.  Remember?  Department of Truth.  Newspeak.  Reality control. Doublespeak. War is Peace. And anyone questioning even the most obvious lies went to room 101. Not a nice place. Especially for cheeseheads.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer sure is off to a good start! His first press conference had him take the stage to tell all the LIES President Donald told him to say.  20 lies about the crowd size at the inauguration.  And screaming at the unfair press while refusing to take questions. But in our “alternate facts” universe, the administration does not count that one as his First press conference.

No Sean Spicer’s first OFFICIAL press conference was taking the stage to repeat President Donald’s LIE that the reason he lost the popular vote was because the election was rigged in which 3 to 5 million non citizens voted for Hillary. A huge in your face crazy lie.

The Media calls that an “objective demonstrable falsehood.”

But as Kellyanne Conway tells us, that is okay because that is what The Donald believes, so it is not a lie to him. You know, the slander / libel defense. Then she followed up with the words “alternate facts” for the world to play with.

I think what we got here is an Alternate President.