A week or so ago we sent 60 cruise missiles to an airfield in Syria killing 15 people including four children. At $1.5 million per missile, not counting navy delivery, that is well over $100 million.
This week we dropped the mother of all bombs on Afghanistan killing 94. The bomb cost only $227,000 but cost of airforce delivery lets say half a million bucks.
The other day ISIS set off a car bomb in Aleppo killing 114 refugees.
Christians 109
Muslims 114
Cost for car bomb:
Stolen car – free
Old cell phone – $50
Delivery – free
Old artillery shells – free
Cost per kill – $0.43 per person
Cost of missiles and bombs:
Missiles – $90 million
Bomb – $227,000
Delivery – $10 million
Cost per kill – $1 million per person.
Back in the day many said that American life was worth 10 Vietnam lives. Today we have Muslim lives worth about a million dollars each.
To get rid of them all would be 1.6 billion times a million dollars. Which is a bigly huge amount.