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SNL Weekend Update, the media LOVES Donald Trump, October 22 2016

SNL Weekend Update, the media LOVES Donald Trump, October 22 2016“Trump keeps saying that the media is rigging the election against him. But why would the media rig it against him. He is the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Who do you think they’d rather be covering? A grandma that loves secrets or a human horn who screams every thought in his head and can’t swing his arms without grabbing a woman’s ass.”

The Donald has been the biggest cash cow for all of cable news since they began over 20 years ago. They gave him $2 billion in free air time just in the primaries alone.

And if you have not heard, The Donald’s best friends no longer include Roger Ailes, America’s two most celebrated misogynists had a falling out with Ailes walking out of Trump Towers and now has no connection to Trump. Word is that after being friends with Trump for 35 years, last Wednesday Ailes found out that there is just no talking to The Donald about what he should or should not say or do. Roger Ailes quick on the stick.