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Stephen Colbert calls penalty on Michael Sam kiss

Stephen Colbert calls penalty of Michael Sam kissWhere would Fox & Friends be without their morning input from The Donald Trump? He adds about as much credibility to FOX NEWS CHANNEL as their FAIR AND BALANCED byline does.

Boy, Fox News, Republicans, Putin and the Russians don’t like this Michael Sam Kiss stuff! Let me tell you…

And again and again we come back to the Republican defense of their homophobic, racist and bigoted nature – the most successful political gimmick in American history – Political Correctness. Which to hear them talk is even more terrifying than Multiculturalism.

It must be Hell being a Republican and having to look over your shoulder every time you complain about fags, nwords. wetbacks, or uppity witches. A horrible cross to bear that the rest of us don’t have to constantly worry about. Even on your cell phone in your own home you can’t complain about the nwords! BTW, was it the government / NSA who released that Donald Sterling call? And even if they had why would they care? Google, Amazon and the Koch Brothers know more about you and USE IT than the government.

There are also about a billion people volunteering everything possible about themselves on Facebook. With their coordinates and photos no less.

I must give FOX one point on this. The over the top cake eating kissing part of the video has been neglected by most of the media.