Liberal Redneck shows us that the far Left and far Right are not the same. Let’s subsidize Kale! Versus. Rip that brown baby from that…
Liberal Redneck Trey Crowder questions Trump fans about cowardly Trump, with Putin in Helsinki. This, Trump informs us is to be the first of many…
The Liberal Redneck got to the point. Trump laying down like a bearskin rug in the Snowking’s torture chamber is because Putin has something on…
The family values crowd is so full of shit I can smell them from here. Personal responsibility they scream ad nauseum. What more personal responsibility…
After 14 months we are still in a state of ceaseless chaotic buffoonery.
The Liberal Redneck has the answer to Thanksgiving table politics. Just shove a lemon up your butt and get drunk.
Here we get to know Trae Crowder the Liberal Redneck and his writing team, intimately.
Liberal Redneck is so cheered by Robert Mueller’s indictment of Trump protege Paul Manafort, that he’s sporting an old timey convict cap and a big…
Why can’t we even TRY to do something about allowing every nutcake in America to buy all the guns, kinds of guns and ammo they…
Trump’s FCC is once again threatening net neutrality, which means cable companies will be in control of what we can watch, where we can go…
The Liberal Redneck Trae Crowder, has been in a funk – not unlike most sentient beings, since the presidential election, that’s why it’s notable that…
Our Liberal Redneck friend, Trae Crowder – is a might ‘het up’ about Trump’s irrational decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Trump…
The liberal Redneck is getting angry. Hell, in the past week Donald Trump has had more scandals than Obama did in eight years. I swear,…
Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck offers his on-point analysis of Trump’s recent flurry of bomb-dropping. As far as Trump’s run-in with North Korea, it may…
The Liberal Redneck is puzzled about Trump followers and their reaction – or lack of a reaction to Trump’s attack on parks and the great…