Trump and Paul Ryan’s attempt to gut Obamacare failed, but their proposed plan was working miracles from God – even before the failed vote took…
Keith Olbermann notes that we’re at the sixty day mark of Trump’s reign of dangerous sleazetude. We’ve grown to expect daily assaults on democracy, diplomacy,…
John Oliver observes that Donald Trump’s golden opportunity to smooth things over with Angela Merkel, and practice diplomacy this week did not go well, unless…
CONAN: President Obama debunks the rumor that he’s spying on Trump through a microwave, and refuses to apologize for an act he didn’t commit. While…
What’s the difference between the Tea Party of 2010 and Resist of 2017? Well other than the ability to spell – that I-E thing is…
Keith Olbermann makes a great case for disconnecting Trump’s television connection. We have a cross between SNL’s late, great, Gilda Radner’s little old lady character…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Trump’s wiretapping claims and the new Republican health care plan,and concludes that we’re all PRONGED! Prong is Sean…
Keith Olbermann breaks the healthcare debate down to the essential question; what is the government for if not to ensure that we live? Paul Ryan…
Everyone reading this today will remember the historical moment when Donald Trump’s presidency reached its high water mark. Think way back to last Tuesday, when…
Accusing his predecessor President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower is just another of Trump’s fantastical lies, intended as many believe, to draw attention from…
At least twelve current news headlines can be written about the Russian connections of Trump and his toadies – this week alone! Keith Olbermann lists…
‘President’ Trump lives a sound-proof, gilt-encrusted cocoon, where it’s impossible to see or hear anything negative about himself. In fact, his future’s so bright he’s…
Keith Olbermann takes a look at what’s really going on with Trump’s Muslim ban and Hispanic purge. When you meet the individuals and hear the…
The Russian question obscures everything about Trump’s presidency. Keith Olbermann calls for a federal grand jury to determine if crimes have been committed in the…
In a calm, measured voice Keith Olbermann lists the many (known) reasons why Donald Trump must go. I stress ‘known reasons’ because each day…