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That’s Not The Donald Trump I Know, Says Melania Trump & Others – Jimmy Kimmel

That's Not The Donald Trump I Know, Says Melania Trump & Others - Jimmy Kimmel

Melania Trump told Anderson Cooper that the disgusting talk she heard on the Access Hollywood tape was “not the Donald I know.” “My husband is a gentleman,” Melania further recited.  While we try to reconcile the lofty description of ‘gentleman’ with the petty, vile, sniping narcissist we’ve come to know, consider Jimmy Kimmel’s observation. It seems that whenever Trump says something controversial, an army of loyalists from Robin Leach to Newt Gingrich have to go on cable news and say; “That’s not the Donald I know.”
Maybe they can introduce us to the Donald they know?  One man from ‘On the Money’ puts a refreshing spin on the well worn testimony.