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The Sperminator: Arnold Schwarzenegger has another love child?

Here is Arnie on family: "To me, family has always been the basic foundation of everything." Perhaps he meant building an unorthodox ‘family’ with every woman who didn’t knock his block off for groping her?

Long a critic of single parenthood, Arnold has now demonstrated just why some mothers are single rather than living with a womanizing, demoralizing, hypocrite who conducts affairs directly under her trusting and supportive nose. Tsk…Maria should have never married out of her ‘religion’ hypocrites and Democrats don’t mix well.

Stop the presses. The Sperminator strikes again! A private airline attendant has come forward claiming that her child was fathered by the Teutonic Two-Timer, who is collecting a lot of heavy baggage for someone who won’t be traveling by private jet much longer.