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The Trouble is not George Bush but the Dead Elephant he Rode in on

By huge margins, Americans think the economy is in lousy shape — and they blame President Bush. This fact, more than anything else, makes it hard to see how the Democrats can lose this election.
But is the public right to be so disgusted with Mr. Bush’s economic leadership? Not exactly. We really do have a lousy economy, a fact of which Mr. Bush seems spectacularly unaware.
But that’s not the same thing as saying that the bad economy is Mr. Bush’s fault. On the other hand, there’s a certain rough justice in the public’s attitude. Other politicians besides Mr. Bush share the blame for the mess we’re in — but most of them are Republicans.  Paul Krugman NYT – Behind the Bush Bust

dead elephantKrugman blames the economy on three factors, the housing bubble, rise in health care costs and now the rise in cost of energy and all commodities. George W. Bush was culpable in all of it, but all of it is also hard written into the Republican Party Platform, especially since the neo confederate right-wing fringe took over Congress in 1994.  Gringrich, DeLay, Armey and Lott.

Soon the RNC will be meeting to write the GOP Platform for 2008. Presently George W. Bush’s name is on 91 of the 100 pages of the 2004 platform. The game will be for the lunatic fringe to not allow McCain to dirty up their platform with anything reasonable. 

The fight will be to hold strong some issues that will be no problem with John McCain:

Personhood begins at conception
Tax Breaks for the wealthy
Drilling for oil in Malibu and Miami Beach
Tearing down the separation of Church and State
Keeping the government out of health care
Throwing Social Security to Hedge Funds
And of course the favorite, more war in more places!

All very reasonable positions for any stone age people, but there are a few positions they are going to have a fight over where McCain questions the orthodoxy:

Stem cell research is murder
No regulations on campaign money
Doing something other than gestapo raids regards immigration
And his belief along with everyone in the world other than the RNC that Global Warming is real