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Video: Aasif Mandvi finds Tennessee too close to Ground Zero for a Mosque

Jon Stewart finds the starting point for working this Mosque issue out as we find it is now becoming a lose-lose proposition. [This needs all caps and highlighting]


This video – which should have been in two parts – is worth the wait to see Aasif Mandvi interview with No Mosque in Murfreesboro leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore strut her stuff.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cTennessee
No Evil
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Laurie, just like the rest of HER KIND begins the argument with the false premise that this has nothing to do with religion or religious intolerance. A false premise always result in a false conclusion.

The joy this woman takes in her bigotry, the snap in her step, the pride she expresses in her ignorance just blows me away. In fact I found it so hard to believe that she is not an actor playing the caricature of a some Tea Party boob that I looked her up just to make sure.

She is one of those Christians for Jews, though only because all the Jews need to be sacrificed on the Dome of the Rock (more of that hallowed sacred ground BS) to get the Rapture going come day after tomorrow. Wetting her pants to see 6 billion souls killed by Jesus. That insane crap is is worse than anything regarding Islam.  Laurie Cardoza-Moore with HER KIND on the 700 Club with Pat Robertson

And all this full in your face denial that this is about religious intolerance, after that ugly demonstration at Ground Zero by the Anti-Mosque crowd while one of these KIND OF PEOPLE a few blocks away stabbed a cab driver repeatedly because he said he was Muslim. Oh you never ask questions when God’s on your side.

Here is an example of just how whacked out we are on religion, we suffer a third word mentality in a first world suit. TIME magazine had to lie on their cover this week by putting the "Is" In front of "America" rather than behind it, and then adding insult to injury by putting a question mark at the end of it. We just flat out refuse to address our ethnic, racial and religious intolerance full in the face of the facts. Because… We have God on our side. Kick! The Religion pages