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Video: Stephen Colbert, Major Garrett leaves Fox News to think rather than talk

What? Fox News runs on Stinkers not Thinkers. Who knew?

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I spent some down time watching Fox News the other day and found that most of them are just average people, with average intelligence who happen to be in way over their heads. As Major Garrett implies, good talkers and bad thinkers.

But let me single out that rotund little ball of human feces, Dick Morris. Wow what a disgusting human being from any angle. And so wrong about so much. 

Remember where he came from? Bill Clinton’s pollster and 1994 campaign manager who got caught committing adultery with a prostitute he let listen to his conversations with the President while in bed sucking on her toes. Always try to keep that image in mind whenever he comes up.

Much like Senator Vitter who was caught committing adultery in diapers with a prostitute. In the world of far right politics both Morris and Vitter are very successful role models. Why is that?