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video Best : Prop. 8 Marriage defenders, meet illegal divorce! The drag queen widower, Voter fraud

Great news Prop. 8 defenders! We know you bear no malice toward gays and lesbians,
that wouldn’t be Christian. It’s just that you’re passionately interested in “the sanctity of marriage.” Well cheer up, one man has dreamed up an amendment with you in mind, to help further seal your marriage. You should simply love it, but I’ll bet you won’t!

Best comeuppance California: Prop 8 raises it’s head once more. Those who defend “the sanctity of marriage” by excluding others should have no trouble staying within the law themselves, if – a California man is able to collect enough signatures to add a tasty amendment to the state constitution. This law would cement the marriages you have ‘under law’ in a way I assure you that you’ve never dreamed possible!

Best hedged bet: John Fund broke a huge story on FOX news. He said he knew there was voter fraud in the New Jersey governor race. As it turns out, he really was..in the know!

Best money saving scheme: Grieving widower Lau Siu Wah couldn’t see letting his departed wife’s gym membership…or great frocks, shoes, or make up go to waste!