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video Worst: Glenn Beck, Cathy McMorris Rodgers R-WA.health care a threat , Gov Tim Polenty R Minn and Rep Joe Wilson S Ca H1N1 hypocrisy

Only Glenn Beck and the 9/12’ers stand between us and another devastating attack on our country. Don’t think for a minute that they’re not familiar with all 2,000 pages of the health care reform bill, it’s taken the place of Sears catalogs
in the outhouses of leading members of the esteemed group.

Gold: Glenn Beck. I have to wonder if Beck’s viewers are wearing special glasses like those in a 3-D movie which enable them to view affordable health care for all – rather than for some, as equivalent to the devastation of 9/11. He whines, then vows that he and his group won’t allow a tragedy of such proportion to occur again…as if the two things resembled one another in any way. The difference, I’m quite certain is obvious even to him. I suppose I’m not welcome to remind
him that indeed he had a chance to warn us of the one tragedy, when memos warning us of an Al Qaeda attack were shushed and ignored by the Bush administration and the ever-watchful eye of Fox News and Glenn Beck. Now that – and your unmitigated gall in comparing the two are truly something to cry about big boy.

Silver: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, WA – R. While many in Washington state don’t know who she is, she’s come out to further explain the crazy ass,insurance lobby, money fueled theory put forth yesterday by Virginia Foxx R-NC. In what is fast becoming a very repetitive theme, Foxx warned that we have more to fear from good affordable health care than from countries with blood on their hands and very evil intentions toward us. McMorris-Rodgers shared her laser sharp insight, explaining the similarity and difference between good health care and the 9/11 attack.. Thanks much Cathy, now pick a name and call it a career.

Bronze: Gov Tim Polenty R Minn and Rep Joe Wilson S CA. It’s a hypocrite duet! It’s beyond belief that elected officials can whine and blame others for their actions in office. It is President Obama’s fault that the latter of the duo’s wife has H1N1 – so he says…but whose fault is it? See Worst!