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Video Ed Schultz: Rush Limbaugh advises hungry kids to dumpster dive until school starts

Limbaugh never fails to prove there is not a shred of humanity in his super-sized ego. While it’s obvious that Rush has never missed a meal in his privileged life, it’s also clear that he is ignorant about the free school lunch program, and the reasons why it’s so important. The ‘facts’ he broadcasts aren’t important enough to Google before slapping a smirk on that porcine face and assuming the sarcastic tone he mistakes for high wit, the better to address starving children.

Limbaugh’s asinine ‘bit’ was inspired by the news that millions of children will go hungry over the summer without the free school lunch program. The Super-Sized one assumes the report merely means that parents are too lazy, or kids lack the motivation to help themselves to plentiful food.

More importantly than Limbaugh, I fear that there are millions just like Porky who have no knowledge of the programs, the millions of hungry children, or the situations which force the families to depend upon these programs which have been in existence since the 1960’s. I can assure Limbaugh that the children would gladly open the refrigerator door, or pop on down to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal as he suggests – if it were possible. I fear far too many already know all about dumpster diving, but thanks for the advice Rush!