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video: Harry Reid opponent Sue Lowden touts chickens for check ups, in Bartercare plan

This is great news! That bounty of excess garden produce, a chicken if you’re fortunate enough to raise them, or maybe just that old blender waiting for donation are great currency for paying your physician if the leading front-runner against Harry Reid is successful in unseating Reid, target of Tea Partiers and Republicans for his stance on health care. Off to a strong start, Sue Lowden’s proposal just may slow her momentum, or at least cost her the vote of Republican physicians, unless they can – in turn, trade "stuff" to medical schools for an education, office rent, oh and staff, tongue depressors, and those flimsy gowns aren’t free. You can see how this simple system seems to snowball until it appears that Nevada would have to become an all-barter state and time consuming swap-meet. As a wealthy gambling executive I know Lowden will get on board with the new slogan, "Come to Vegas, and Bring Your Chickens."