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Video Olbermann: Glenn Beck, I Have a Scheme, Screw MLKs Dream

Glenn Beck’s Tea Party Hoe-down, called the "Restoring Honor" rally, just happened to fall on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s "I Have A Dream Speech." The speech, which for forty seven years has been commemorated by peaceful blacks and whites alike, but will continue this year with the added attraction of Glenn Beck and his ilk.
I have just discovered that like Fox News’Hannity, Beck is claiming his rally will benefit the children of fallen veterans, with expenses taken out first.

Accusations of a giant book launch for Beck abound, and Beck would do well to admit to it. When catching flak,
Beck reverts to making things up. This – is absolutely one of his most absurd and obscene public showings yet! Beck dares to say that his group is responsible for the passing of Civil Rights, and will "reclaim" that movement, and to add insult to absurdity, says that the Royal "We" fought for, and accomplished Civil
Rights in America!

The Rev. Al Sharpton joins the discussion, and is among the first to say that indeed while whites do not own Abe Lincoln, neither do blacks own MLK. Bobby Kennedy Jr. is involved, as white people always have been in Civil Rights. The Urban League and other like-minded groups celebrate this anniversary each year with dignity. Enter Glenn Beck…the antithesis of the movement and of dignity.

However, the Glenn Becks, Sarah Palins, and the Teabaggers are the philosophical children of those who opposed the Civil Rights Act! Martin Luther King worked with Ceasar Chavez to improve the lot in life of the people who crossed the borders to survive. For Beck and the conservative Tea Party to take credit for Civil Rights is an absolute desecration. Said Sharpton, "They are the concept of what the speech was against!" Might I add, as always they show every sign of having no idea of what Martin Luther King was about, or what he did. This will truly be one meeting of the minds to watch. Do you suppose Beck’s "Patriots" will be carrying their omnipresent Obama as Hitler or medicine man signs?