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Video Olbermann Worst: Matt Drudge Gold Asshat award, Sarah Palin fibber, Kathleen Parker Obama a Woman

Gold: Matt Drudge headline: "Biden Compares Republicans to Nazis." Its a Drudge match, and the stakes are as low as the wit. Democratic Vice President Joe Biden sent a warning email to fellow Dems that as things heat up, they’ll be hit by the GOP blitzkrieg of swift-boat style attacks, that’s the true part. Unless the online rules regarding the use of either Hitler or Nazis in a topic have changed, it’s..game over, and so soon, thanks to Drudge! The background of Drudge, and history of his first big break with Clinton and Lewinsky speaks volumes for the Anti-Cronkite, and his ‘news-seeking’ methods.

Silver: Sarah Palin, speaking at the International Bowling Expo in Idaho…can you sense the excitement? Palin held them spell-bound with her fond memories of growing up in an Idaho bowling alley with her hard working family..awww. Is there no one with whom she cannot relate, I’m telling you she was one of them! I did begin to wonder about her wide range of "everyman" experiences. I wondered, until it was revealed what an extraordinary memory she would have had to have,since recollections that far back are impossible for most in the genius range. I guess that makes Sarah Palin a baby Mensa member, or – more accurately a big ol’ fibber!

Bronze Kathleen Parker Conservative columnist determined to set women back 60 years – as long as she can keep her job. Ah, but just lately she’s turned her attention to President Obama, and revealed her psychoanualytical hobby. Under the premise that Toni Morrison meant to compliment Bill Clinton by calling him "The First Black President," Parker has proclaimed President Obama "Our First Woman President." Of course, she means nothing uncomplimentary by it. Obama has a lot to live up or down to in the minds of the right wing lunatics. He can’t be Hitler, a Socialist, a Marxist, an illegal immigrant or Communist, and do it all in drag. I just do not see Michelle standing for it. However, there is talk of an extremely sensitive side which he hides in the Rose Garden Group Hugs that Joe
Biden is always arranging. (You read it here first, Drudge)