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Video Olbermann: Monty Python shows future of the Tea Party,Tim McClellan sues T. P.

This is why Python material never is out of date.

The history of the Tea Party reads like the ‘whobegots’ in the Bible. In the beginning, there were The Teabaggers, who belatedly realized their tragic mistake and rechristened themselves the Tea Party and it was good..for a laugh. The Tea party then begot the Tea Party Express and the Tea Party Patriots, all of whom were fruitful and multiplied. Of course, there can be only one ‘true’ Teabagger group, and everyone feels that they are in it,hence the other parties aren’t genuine. The phony snakes will be called the T-E-A.  This brings us to Keith Olbermann who gives the lowdown on Tim McClellan’s lawsuit, a Republican Party which has become possessive of the baggers,and the rather harsh expulsion of Nevada Senate candidate Scott Ashjian from the garden. The next installment should include a virgin birth, a wacky Nevada ‘Partier seeing the
light, or an early apocalypse and assimilation into the Republican Party, stay tuned.