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Video Olbermann Worst: Dan Burton R, IN BeckInformed, Pastor Paul Gallups God or, Sarah Palins illegal cash

Gold: Rep. Dan Burton, Republican from Indiana. The two billion dollar Brazilian oil deal scandal that Burton announced on the floor of Congress was going to be a Gotcha moment for Democrats and Obama. Instead, the nefarious dealings with George Soros that he revealed, fell flat, leaving Burton with the surprised look under the pie in the face. You don’t pay these guys for sloppy work, Burton had it on good authority, he heard it from Glenn Beck on Monday! The deal did happen….during the Bush administration. This incident fits perfectly with Chris Matthew’s
contention that the Republican Party is run by Right Wing Media. He is on day 44 of waiting for just one Republican to say they are independent from Rush Limbaugh, so far it appears the Republican Party is run by Limbaugh, and informed by the likes of Glenn Beck and other certifiable right wing shills.

Silver: Pastor Paul Gallups of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church, what a prosaic, if not prophetic name. Pastor Paul has compiled a series of events surrounding the fateful date, April 19, 2010. The events include the Deep Water Horizon debacle, Israel’s Independence, and a false Fox News report concerning the U.S. support of Israel and the U.N. This much evidence can only lead you to believe…..there are bats in the Hickory Hammock Belfry.

Bronze: Sarah Palin may not have found her calling in politics per se, but she has a nose for money, and has had it since her days as Gov of Alaska. She’s recently run afoul of the law in her fund raising, it will be a tug-o-war to watch them collect it from her, as she is a known collector, but not as enthusiastic about writing checks. Perhaps she’ll trade an expensive speaking engagement for the balance?