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Video: Olbermann Run Sharron Run, Sharron Angle flees from press conference

While it’s traditional to answer questions at a press conference, Angle has made it known that she doesn’t waste time with anyone who isn’t going to give her at least $25. and it appears that she means it! Though Angle is behind Harry Reid, she refuses to venture outside of Tea Party web sites, events, and publications to expand upon her views – though her bombs get dropped, never to be explained. If you are devastated to realize that you belong to none of the above, you may never learn the answers to such questions as "Just what are second amendment remedies?" We may never know just what she meant in comments which seemed to state that unemployment
benefits are spoiling the citizens of Nevada. I trust you’ll keep this close to your vest, but starving people vote too.

Just in, word from Michele  Bachmann’s Tea Party caucus. So far, no one knows what their platform is, or who is in and who is out particularly among Republicans. See the stunning and innovative pieces of legislation they’ve proposed!