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Video Olbermann Worst: Jesus hit by lightening, Tom Mullins R Nm land mines on border, Glenn Beck

Gold: Act of God? Who do you blame when a $300,000 statue of Jesus in Monroe Ohio, named ‘The King of Kings" and locally referred to as "Touchdown Jesus" is hit by lightening, and goes up in a spectacular blaze? Do you call it a sign from above, just one of those things, or a sign of judgment – as many did when New Orleans was devastated?

Silver: Tom Mullins R- NM. Just a word to those of you in New Mexico. Mullins may not be your most forward thinker. As much as some sickos may love the idea of blowing up Mexican families with land mines on the border, keep in mind one of his main justifications for doing so. This is a case where the cure is much worse than the problem! Give me a D U H!

Bronze: Glenn Beck is obsessed with President Obama, his family, and now his actions on the BP debacle, though Beck hasn’t a clue what they are. Did you know that Obama hasn’t met with BP’s Tony Hayward, because he’s a White CEO? While he is meeting with Hayward, we’ve learned another confusing word, the president is guilty of "Capitalism prejudice." It gets worse, believe it – or not!