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Video Olbermann Worst: Sue Lowdens Winnebago, Newt Gingrich, John Stossel Rand Paul

Gold: Sue Lowden, the wacky Nevada Senate candidate known for her barter plan. Seen in a hundred thousand dollar Winnebago. Lowden claimed her new wheels were a donation, just like anyone can have! That was her story until some upstart informed her that there’s a $5,000 limit on donations, leading to some unsavory conclusions. Now her story is changing more often than a stop light at a busy intersection…she "may have misspoken," but her chickens
have decidedly come home to roost.

Silver: Pushing his latest book, Gingrich is simultaneously setting a record for repeating the phrase "secular socialist movement", or "machine" for variation. Other names surfacing
in the swirling maelstrom of words include but are not limited to: Hitler, Mao, and Nazi Germany, paired with Obama. When asked about his comparison between Hitler, Mao and Obama,
he denies having made one…WTF? There is a chuckle in all of this. Keith harkens back to 2005, Newtie’s own slam against the Democrats merely confirms what we already know about
his own loose hinges.

Bronze: John Stossel of Fox News..where else? Casting his lot with Rand Paul. Call it what you will, it’s the same old Libertarian message, and has always lured the gullible with one hot button issue. In this case, the dubious ‘right’ to refuse service or hire anyone, on any grounds. It’s all okay though, Stossel assures us that while he won’t go to a racist place, it should be their right to be racist! Watching the key issues utilized by Libertarians, is a gauge of the country. Legalizing pot and promising automatic weapons for all, have long been reason enough for many to sign on the dotted line without further investigating their new party. It’s with even greater dismay that I note racism and segregation are the bait used to attract bottom feeders at this point in our country, which should know far better!