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Video Olbermanns Best: Hot Carrie Prejean and Kyle Boller,David Vitter..no prostitutes, Lou Dobbs for President!

The excitement is palpable, or my medication’s kicking in. It’s only natural for Lou Dobbs to throw his hat into the presidential ring. I hope Carrie Prejean’s beau doesn’t require visual aides. No one has come to Sen Mary Landrieau’s
defense until now – they’ve found an expert on prostitution! We should be ashamed that her party had to dig one up, public umbrage would flare if anyone made mention of Sarah Palin..for example, with that pejorative term.

Best return to videotape: The two crazy kids have that much in common. Carrie Prejean and St. Louis Ram’s back-up quarterback Kyle Boller. Don’t back it up, delete the original, that’s my advice.

Best area of expertise: David Vitter. The scandal of Sen. Mary Landrieau of LA, a Democrat, having been called a prostitute, not once but going for two days running on Beck and Limbaugh will soon be sorted, we hope – by the man for
the job. Nevermind how, if you’ve forgotten the perils of David Vitter. The point is, that no one liberal or conservative has stepped forth to defend Ms Landrieau, much less point outwhat would happen if one of the queens of conservatism male or female, were referred to as a prostitute, and in many cases rightly so.

Best Self Delusion, Lou Dobbs. But…it’s like Christmas! We’ve all been waiting, excitement bubbling just below the surface, hoping for just this announcement! It’s already starting to be quite the line-up. Lou Dobbs, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich,ummm…er…well, I’m sure there are more who are just being coy. He hasn’t announced a V.P. yet, but it’s bound to be someone who is as excited by large, barbed wire topped fences as Dobbs.