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Video The Ed Show: Is OReilly in closet, slams gays in French TV ad

Who else would see the French McDonald’s ad campaign "Come as you are" picturing a young gay man calling a friend, and go berserk as Bill O’Reilly does so often and without provocation?
Mr. Morality Loofah boy, assures himself, perhaps more than his audience that "it will never play in the U.S.A," going so far as to invoke Al Qaeda as just as likely! Lordy yes Bill, Americans aren’t ready – nor do we ever see perfectly lovely gay men in our everyday lives.
Paraphrasing, methinks he protests too much. Could it be that Bill’s broadcasting from inside of the rainbow closet? If this is true, my sincere empathy goes out to the gay community, you don’t
deserve that added burden boys. ; )