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Wall Street Protestors jailed for as unpatriotic mob

A picture is worth a thousand words – and yet, I’ll make it approximately 1,223 for no discernible reason except that I’m highly agitated and can’t locate a Wall Street thug to kneecap. The Occupy Wall Street ‘mob’ has clearly defined diverse complaints and equally diverse participants. Signs carried frequently protest the high cost of health care along with much ire regarding bank bailouts and income disparity. Also Wall Street greed destroying the world economy and unemployment are also high on the list of changes which need to be made.

As you can see clearly by the cartoon, one more issue needs to be addressed. The One Percent clearly is in a position to steal unfathomable amounts and yet evade prosecution, while protestors belonging to the impoverished Ninety Nine per cent are slandered on national media and lack the backing to avoid being jailed as criminals simply for speaking out! They don’t wear tri-cornered hats with dangling tea bags to discourage flies, though this protest 99% closer to the original Revolution upon which this country was founded than the fun revolutionaries of the heady Sarah Palin and Joe-the-ersatz Plumber days ever were!