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We all pay for our right to obesity, Signe Cartoon

bloomberg soda laws

Let’s hear it for MORE OBESITY in kids!  Hear! Here! I was going at it with a looneytarian last night. You know what the problem is with all that. With Ayn Rand, with Rand Paul, with Ron Paul, with Ted Cruz, with the Libertarian Party, with Mad Max, with Thunderdome? It’s all based on some fantasy world where everyone does what they are suppose to do.  And if they don’t they die.  But no one will die because they will see the error of their ways – losing jobs, getting sick, being poor, getting old, being hungry – and adjust accordingly.  NO THEY WONT!  In fact most of those examples are things that are not even possible to correct, yet alone a done deal.  I am so sick of WHAT IFS and SLIPPERY SLOPES. Let’s just DO THINGS and if they don’t work UNDO them. It’s as simple as that. Well in parliamentary systems anyway. If only our founding fathers could have seen an AR15 and Newtown before the wrote the 2nd Amendment.