Americans often disagree, especially during an election cycle, but this charming Funny or Die video by Dennis Quaid and Amanda Peet shows that Americans agree on things that are really important, like football, Taylor Swift, dogs and universal background checks for gun purchases.
Some are trying to divide us further by spreading the falsehood that gun ownership is being threatened in the United States, while nothing could be further from the truth. “Obama is coming to git yer guns” is not an appropriate response to the idea of implementing universal background checks for every gun purchase. Why would anyone want to misrepresent a commonsense precaution that 93% of us want?
I think there is a lawless and a greedy minority (7%, and that includes Ted Nugent and gun manufacturers) who have the louder voice, and bigger checkbook to influence bad politicians and a gullible public.
Dennis Quaid and Amanda Peet invite us to think about why Congress is failing to act, when the President has done his job. #ENOUGH