After spending an hour or so watching John McCain’s Town Hall Meeting the other day I happened upon this scene on TCM. What to do…
Nonsense and Sensibility was an excellent title for this interview. Alison Stewart, filling in for Rachel is joined by columnist Connie Schultz of the Cleveland…
Artist William Jones has been In the art biz for years to no real avail, but in less than a week from the time his…
If anyone has fought for good health care for all it was Senator Ted Kennedy. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT joins Keith to discuss how the…
Ted Kennedy has done more good for more people than any other Senator in American History. He was around to help destroy Jim Crow, to…
I do well at coming up with new ways of becoming unpopular! Dangerously so by arguing against guns. But also going against the general flow…
Sometimes there is a lot of truth to common sayings, though few people are as honest as the gun lover in the cartoon who is…
First: The team of Sen. Wally Herger R-CA, Bert Stead the”Right wing terrorist,” and spokesman and apologist Matt Lavoie. Yesterday we brought you the mind…
A new talking point for the Far Out Right! Unlike most of their talking points, and reasons for fearing the worst, this time, scientists are…
I watch MSNBC Mornin’ Joe with Joe Scarborough every morning to get a very early morning view of what the Republican talking points and spin…
Golden WTF!Award: For Congressman Wally Herberger R-CA. Presiding over a forum in Redding,in front of 2,000 people he was in full cry announcing how threatened…
In a recent Playboy magazine interview, someone actually took time out and read it! That’s not the big news however, Alec Baldwin mentioned that he…