Gold Plated Dimbulb Award: Michelle Bachmann, R- Minn. Despite her rants calling the Americorps program a left wing, socialist mind control program for youth, Bachmann’s…
The group Color of Change directed attention to Glen Beck’s sponsors soon after he called President Obama a “racist with a “deep-seated hatred for white…
Just in! Joe the erstwhile plumber and icon for the right wing ‘everyman’ will be trying his hand at stand-up comedy, in the ‘Funniest Celebrity…
The kicker here is a few years ago the Republicans voted to have Medicare cover end of life counseling, but because a Hillbilly from…
The people who have health care are loud and angry, the people who don’t are quietly hopeful. And there’s the rub… And if that doesnt…
Sorry Bill, someone beat you to it with the Golf Laughs…George Carlin on Golf
"In the House bill there is counseling for end of life…and from that standpoint you have every right to fear…we should not have a government…
Update on Glenn Beck’s Fox News advertisers. Companies who have pulled out: Proctor and GambleProgressive car insuranceGeico car insuranceState Farm insurance (most recent)SC Johnson (Johnson…
"I will tell you what doesn’t speak well of hour Health Care system is that in the last 16 months the hole they stitched up…
Gold: Limbaugh. He’s not going to sit there and take it anymore! Still projecting – in every sense of the word, his umbrage is directed…
Sen Bernie Sanders I-VT joins Rachel to talk about an anti-health care reform Web site that is run by a high profile Republican P.R. firm,…
If you’re a slightly geeky and rather antisocial individual until you’re in tune with your animal being, the Furries might just be the place to…
Get your election year website graphics Early! The 2010 Republican Brand
Rush Limbaugh began it with the term feminazi. He coined the word (or more likely stole it from a caller) in the late 1980’s when…
Gold: Bill O’Reilly honestly wins this award today. His source for the big scoop? He heard it through the grapevine, which has a secret FBI…