Everything in Texas is big with nothing bigger than stopping progress. You know all the people here in Houston who believe this tripe about men…
A good test for just how insane a thing can be, play it on MSNBC Morning Joe and pan the camera around the set, as you…
So, where is a transgender person to take a leak; no going to airports, ball games, concerts, parks, malls, or churches – either stay home…
Do you want pancakes with that? I know people who are very very upset on recently hearing that bacon and sausages are bad for you.…
Comedian Brent Roper does a suburb job of satirizing GOD HATES FAGS Westboro Baptist Church in this video with a long list of things GOD HATES,…
Down here in Dumbutt, Texas the biggest issue of the time is local Christians trying to overturn an equal access law for transgender people, HERO,…
Sure, Ben Carson being a teenage stabber is a good case for finding Jesus, after all, we most certainly do not want to deter millions…
Not even Michele Bachmann has said more dumb things than Ben Carson, what is it that can make even lawyers and doctors dumber than a…
Not only do we get the hit song from the Ben Carson Musical “A gun is just what the doctor ordered” but also the long list…
While introducing this video, “The Collected Wisdom of Pat Robertson” Jimmy Kimmel reminds us that however unnerving the current crop of presidential candidates may be, …
Mrs Betty Bowers America’s Best Christian, with special guests (in alphabetical order) God, Sarah Palin, and George Washington tell us how the Ten Commandments are…
In this video we find the answer to what all of us outside the Republican Base asks ourselves every time Sponge Bob Carson open his…
Holy Mary Mother of God, is this satire or is this real, I am afraid to find out, but one thing is for sure, whoever…
What is so cool about this political cartoon is the endless chain of text substitutes one could use instead of what we have there, though…
Trevor Noah comes into his own with this Daily Show piece where he manages to make fools out of Jason Chaffetz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina,…