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Jon Stewart, Koch Brothers are Benevolent Gods

“And let the Koch Brothers have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth including each other.” God Genesis 1:26.

Koch Brothers are Benevolent  GodsRounded up it’s a billion dollars to Republicans in 2016, or as Newt Gingrich and the Republican Five of the Supreme Court remind us, there is not enough money in politics. Hell the only difference between the bribery in Mexico, India and the rest of the third world is that here in the United States we pay out far more at higher levels.

And what do these creeping things that creep on the Earth want for their money? To eliminate the concept of minimum wages, destruction of unions, deregulation of the economy and the environment, elimination of the concept of affordable health care for everyone, reducing taxes on the wealthy and of course to keep burning coal and oil until we are all dead from it. Which is the moral equivalent of raising up the least of us.

In Wisconsin not long ago the voters were given a choice between giving teachers or the Koch Brothers a helping hand. The Koch Brothers won. Primarily with the $8 million they gave directly to Governor Scott Walker to beat the recall. The most outside money ever spent in a recall election.

Governor Walker of course did not give the Koch Brothers credit, but rather Jesus Christ who is his personal lord and savior and could do nothing without.