.Philippines Dictator Rodrigo Duterte said last night that in a very pleasant phone call, The Donald told him he was solving the drug problem “the…
. No doubt George W Bush is tripping the light fantastic as The Donald will soon redeem him to become not only the worst president…
. The Barron Trump show, a look into the family life of our next president! Mom’s cooking, how to pronounce ChiNA, the gold dishes and…
. What more needs to be said?
. Well I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh who is not alone on this one, it is presently the meme of the Right. Back…
.- Congratulations Donald Trump – you made history by losing the popular vote in the biggest margin of any modern president in American history! That’s…
. Conan O’Brien invites you to listen to the second half of the super-secret call between Trump and President Obama, where Trump learns that the…
. As a freshman in high school I experienced that nasty game of getting people to vote for the least attractive girl in school for Prom…
. The Trumpsters I don’t personally know are indeed deplorable morons, but friends and family who voted for Trump are just morons. Speaking as I am…
. Have you heard? Chelsea Handler is replacing Mika Brzenzinski on MSNBC Morning Joe! Fake news! What’s good for the goose is good for the…
. It goes without saying that Michael Flynn has become The Donald’s best choice for National Security Adviser. After all, Michael Flynn is an Infowars…
. All the things white working class white people depend upon, King Donald is out to destroy. Look over there! It’s a flag burner! Look…
. Well, it’s time for Ann Coulter to retire as we have her replacement in Tomi Lahren. Though Tomi Lahren is not as universally despicable…
. I have only one good thing to say about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Third as Attorney General, it’s a step up from Rudy Giuliani.…
. President-elect Trump has been calling President Obama for advice and to ask a few standard questions, like who are those people in black robes? …