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Sectarian means Religious, America backs Sharia Law in Syria and Egypt

our friends al qaeda

our friends al qaeda

For many years I have been shouting to the Moon that there are three things that neither politicians nor the media can address honestly or at all for that matter. They cannot disparage our troops, disparage Israel, or question religious belief.

That last one is so pervasive that the media and politicians are no longer even allowed to use the word “religious” in a negative manner. Instead they substitute it with the word “sectarian” whenever religion is murdering, torturing, mutilating, gassing and terrorizing so much of the world,

You see? It isn’t religious violence, it is sectarian violence. It isn’t religious terrorism, it’s sectarian terrorism.

I guess this is because believers – unlike smart well educated attractive people – do not see “religion” as all the same thing no matter the brand. And of the course the central problem with all of it, giving one’s primary allegiance to some a whole in the sky.