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Susie Sampson Review:Miley Cyrus Twerks With No Butt? Syria & Cruz Hurt

Our Tea Party Lady of mystery Susie Sampson reviewed the ‘week that was.’ It ‘was’ not over quickly enough.

Far from shrieking in outraged horror like many Americans, Susie asks the obvious question…And invites your opinions and/or video replies. Since dirty little Miley seems to be a one Twerk pony, shouldn’t she at least have a little more – derriere to shake?

Susie Sampson Review:Miley Cyrus Twerks With No Butt? Syria & Cruz Hurt

Obviously this weekly review is dated by a few days. Susie asks whether we care (enough) about Syria to commit ourselves to another war. Do you? Perhaps we should all play a few hands of video poker like John McCain to put things in perspective?

Lastly, even Tea Party mavens get confused. It was a natural assumption on Susie’s part to think that Senator Ted Cruz was from Texas originally. After all, he’s a man ergo he is important, and at the time of this writing he believed he could click his ruby slippers together and truly be from Texas, not his country of birth, Canada. Therefore he would be eligible to run for President of the USA.
We dodged that bullet America!
Don’t take this the wrong way Canada, we love you. Every family or country is apt to produce a nut, no matter how fine his upbringing was. I suspect he saw a Tea Party rally and thought “Those are my people!” Again…It’s nothing you did Canada, you’re great parents and neighbors.