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Seth Meyers – Trump to Take Office, Lose it in Impeachment, Maybe – video

Seth Meyers takes a closer look as Trump is about to be sworn in as our 45th president, yet merriment ensures – if you’re an odds-maker.  The historic swearing in of our 45th, and least liked  president is notable in that odds  – at this writing, place Trump at 4-1 for impeachment within six months!

When Trump puts his wee paw on the Bible Friday, he may well be in violation of the constitution, and as such – eligible for a free fabulous impeachment of a lifetime!  if he has not yet divested money from his companies, dealt with foreign government payments, and  put his holdings in a blind trust by Friday, poor Melania gets her tweeting roommate back at the Trump Tower.

Trump’s recent interview with the Washington Post proves that Trump is a forward thinking man. In a flash of brilliance, Trump revealed his slogan for 2020 – “Keep America Great!!”  Wishing to trademark the stroke of genius –  with both one and two exclamation points, Trump shouted “Get me my lawyer!” Meyers opines, the latter may be the slogan best fitting the Trump presidency.These are the concerns of the careworn man about to take up the mantle of our national trials and glories.

You won’t want to miss the latest news about A-list celebrities. Did you know that at least two managers  were offered an ambassadorship, in exchange for convincing their talent to perform? At present, we have no new ambassadors to report. Some things you just cannot buy, or so it seems!

Do not miss film of Senator Al Franken questioning Trump’s cabinet appointees. Just don’t do it! Two brilliant pieces of unintentional humor emerge as Betsy DeVos refuses to take a stand against guns in schools, –  because of Grizzly bears. Also in the hot seat,Rick Perry – the man proposed to be in charge of our nukes, makes a charming non-sequitur which implies Netflix n’ Chill with  Senator Franken.