“Trump keeps saying that the media is rigging the election against him. But why would the media rig it against him. He is the greatest…
In case you somehow missed it, the final Presidential Debate between Clinton and Trump was more focused on the issues than were the previous two…
The final Presidential Debate was viewed by a group of Jimmy Kimmel’s adorably funny and bright kids, who then shared their thoughts on the Clinton…
With only three weeks between now and what Keith Olbermann describes as the most important election since the Civil War, it beggars belief that there…
“There is a reason things are going bad or Donald Trump as he is a terrible man, saying terrible things, with a terrible plan for…
Incredibly there is one more version of Donald Trump’s doomed Access Hollywood tape that has just been leaked. ‘Family Guy’ star Peter Griffin was aboard…
With all the success of Trump Steaks, Trump Water, Trump Casinos, Trump University and so on, how could a line of Trump Tampons fail? Huge!…
John Oliver sees the disturbing writing on the cross – er wall, as Donald Trump emerges free and ‘unshackled.’ The candidate, once tightly constrained by…
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging…
Donald Trump’s newest campaign strategy isn’t going well. After Keith Olbermann’s quick rundown of the week in Trump, it is impossible to describe Trump’s actions…
Late Night presents its own version of the second presidential debate with moderator Seth Meyers. This debate is guaranteed to be the most beautiful, yuuge…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Donald Trump’s free fall and leading Republicans, many of whom are distancing themselves from him and jumping ship…
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian™, has a parable for those of you still undecided, unlikely or reluctant to vote this year. Like her spouse,…
The Donald had a very enjoyable tweet storm Tuesday morning, well if you are a Democrat anyway. The takeaway here is that Donald Trump has…
Seth Meyers reports the head-on collision of the Trump train with the Access Hollywood party bus, inflicting serious injuries to one major political party, and …