Hey, being a comedian means an inherent lack of sensitivity as all humor [other than puns] is at someone’s expense. But good to see Fortune Feimster…
How especially sweet this morning to see Danica Roem, the first transgender candidate in America to win an election against the loud obnoxious Trump bathroom bill…
“Homosexual behavior is crime against nature, an inherent evil, and an act so heinous that it defies one’s ability to describe it, Homosexual conduct should…
Jack Phillips went way out of his way to become America’s face of bigotry, homophobia and religious intolerance in America. The woman in the picture…
This is now the national face of bathroom bills, homophobia, bigotry, religious intolerance and the growing national ignorance that is flooding our land. Texas Lt…
Roy Wood Jr and Jordan Klepper open up a NO GAYS ALLOWED BBQ truck in North Carolina which is presently losing millions in sports venues,…
Radical Christian Terrorist Roger Jimenez says the massacre in Orlando was a good thing and that not only did the gays deserve to die,…
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has been a homophobe all her life until last Sunday morning, but we should not single her out when most…
“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to encourage, allow, or require any individual to use any bathroom other than…
As I am sure you well know, we here in Texas love Mississippi because it keeps us from being the worst state in so many…
A little tea and sympathy for Republicans, after all, a good share of their lives is spent cringing at the constant onslaught of following so…
In this case, Dr Matt explains how to deal with Grandpa’s homophobia. Though the same applies to most every form of Republican intolerance, ignorance and…
This one is so much fun because gay Zack Fox finds the regularness and personal wit of the bigots themselves. It makes it all a…
I am MORE than 100% against gays! But that’s just old people with dead animals on their heads, the young active anti government people are…
39 of 54 African Nations have laws against gays because of religion ESTABLISHING itself into those various governments. These laws are increasing influenced by American…