It’s the news of the day! Fox News, talk radio, Libertarians and Republicans are now distancing themselves from patriot Cliven Bundy for his racist views.…
In this case, Dr Matt explains how to deal with Grandpa’s homophobia. Though the same applies to most every form of Republican intolerance, ignorance and…
The real question should be is Mike Huckabee too much like Gomer Pyle to be president? We find that the Fox News belief that Hillary…
A caller broke through the rigid security on the Rush Limbaugh Show, and after a bit of kissing up to the giant ego, smoothly laid…
Of late it has been hard for some to make any differentiation between Libertarians, the Tea Party the NRA and Rush Limbaugh fans. It’s a…
Why are the help at Ruth Chris Steakhouse virgins? Why no mention of Rush Limbaugh? I think this is one of those things that gets embedded…
I don’t think shouting is the answer. Better to just limber up your fingers, tuck your middle finger under your thumb and give these Tea…
Rush Limbaugh stars with his horse Liberty in Rush Limbaugh’s new children’s book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims book! So this is The Onion…
Alex Jones calls Bill O’Reilly a “Coward Punk Rat Bastard.” And… This video was uploaded by Michael Savage, who is not only the worst of…
Well if they showed the poop coming out that question would be moot. There is now more infighting in the GOP than I can ever…
Georgia Chairwoman Sue Everhart is onto the gay marriage scam that we straights are trying to pull! Those who have a ‘great job with the…
Jimmy Fallon’s Bright Side includes Joe Jonas and a threesome, the Limbaugh/ Beyonce debate and Pope Francis in prison. There’s a sunny side for Carly…
On Lawrence O’Donnell, Limbaugh asks if there are Bible Thumpers on Fox News, in the sure hope of getting a reaction from that quarter, and…
Juliana Forlano leaves no stone unturned, no block-head unscathed. We check in with Glenn Beck and others still reeling from the realization that Obama is…
“Children who supposedly wrote letters to the White House…” Says Rush Limbaugh. You see, even children are liars or part of some conspiracy. And mocking…