Donald Trump used a teleprompter the other night for the first time, he did it to look presidential, using words that were written and edited…
That line at Golden Coral is more full of fat old white men than an NRA convention. The Devil went down to Louisville and won the…
Kanye West leads the world in celebrity narcissism, understanding that it is fashion and cool shoes that helps bring humanity out of poverty and pain. No…
I suppose the reason we hear so little of the most accurate comparison to Donald Trump is that in this age of knowledge and information…
Sleepy salesman of the month Dr Ben Carson “If you buy this car that is not that well made, we will do our best to…
My first impression of this video was that it was not funny enough to use, but it being Mother’s day and being from Wisconsin I…
This past week has been full of stories of high ranking Republicans either jumping on the Trump Train after saying the never would or the…
What should we expect from God, after all, he made it clear that a bad woman is responsible for corrupting a good man causing all…
Adding to Donald Trump’s call that Mexicans are rapists Bill O’Reilly adds that they also shoot our women in the back of the head in…
Why Lyin’ Ted did not mention it at his press conference I have no idea, but in 1976 Ronald Reagan picked his VP, Pennsylvania Senator Schweiker,…
Stephen Colbert does not want to go to the bathroom with anyone for two reasons, number one and number two. Reminds me of a story……
As you can well imagine the conservosphere is screeching political correctness in choosing a black woman to replace slave owner and Indian killer Andrew Jackson…
Sure Donald Trump has a mercat living in his hair and bribes people, but that is not the number one reason people say they are…
Try as I might I cannot remember what the news media was like before the Republican primaries, did there used to be any news at…
Preaching to the choir is Donald Trumps forte, after all how many of his fans also want to eliminate the Department of the Environmental, which…