What with Trump about to destroy both North and South Korea with the death of millions Trump warns both nations best run to East or…
Seth takes a closer look – as the Russian investigation nears its first possible indictment – most possibly Paul Manafort, the GOP is insisting on…
What goes around comes around. After this years’ Emmys going to so many Blacks, next year it will be Steve Bannon and company taking the…
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian™, appears before a joint session of the multitudes to lead America in a prayer for its unlikely salvation. #ByeByeClown…
We survived Harvey and Irma and now we are back to Shitstrom Donald. What with Trump’s outreach to Democrats on DACA we find he is…
Awful people are funny as Hell in fictional TV sitcoms. Awful people in the White House in real time not so much.
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at how ‘Precident Trump is making a renewed push to get Democrats on board with his agenda. Inviting Dems…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at how ‘Precident Trump’ is dealing with new developments in the Russia scandal, as Robert Mueller questions Trump’s untimely…
Seth Meyers takes ‘a closer look’ at how ‘precident’ Trump is dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Trump lauded first responders in his fashion,…
Keith Olbermann briefly recalls 9/11, and talks about the ways in which our healing nation has come to observe that day. Keith asks only one…
Brideoffrankenstein or Stephen Colbert’s dog would be a better choice to run NASA than Trump’s pick of Oklahoma Representative Jim Bridenstein whose credentials are he…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at how Donald Trump is exposing how unfit for the presidency he is through his handling of crises from…
CNN’s Jake Tapper tells Seth Meyers about the dangerous threat Trump’s move to end DACA poses, and why Trump may not fully understand this or…
Seth Meyers takes ‘a closer look’ at ‘precident’ Trump’s decision to threaten hundreds of thousands of tax-paying, hard-working Americans by ending DACA. The announcement comes…
Imagine this nightmare scenario: We have a white nationalist in the White House, the Klan marches openly, and lawmakers strive to maintain just the right…