More and more talk of The Donald taking his minions to form a third party, a place for poorly educated whites to act out and…
The serious nature of the 2nd Amendment solution and nailing Trump as a comedian to a humorless audience aside, the collage of clips for this…
Well, the are right, men do get down on the slippery ladies room floors to crawl under the stalls to get their jollies. It happened…
It’s the White Gravy.
I have to disagree that Kudzu is responsible for the Southern states being so much more uneducated, poor, unemployed and stupid than the rest of the…
I am sure like me, that you too have come out of this primary season to realize how the Republican Base is so uniformly fashion…
The many uses of guns not only as feather dusters, ceiling knockers and a straight edge, but games as well, like confederate spin dizzy where…
Anyone want to bet against the two individuals who are against the solar farms because they will use up the Sun have a personal relationship…
“I’m sure small-town, rural Nebraska communities are furious about the repeal,” said 20-something Nebraskan Chris Spargen of the repeal of capital punishment. Indeed, what with…