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Why Are We Appeasing Trump As if This is Normal ? – Keith Olbermann

Why Are We Appeasing Trump As if This is Normal ? - Keith Olbermann

Why Are We Appeasing Trump As if This is Normal ? - Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann asks the non-musical question ‘why are we appeasing Trump?’ Believe me, it wouldn’t sound any better in four-part harmony. It was absurd that candidate Trump was treated with respect and courtesy despite his obvious shortcomings, crude behavior and the fact that he was in way over his head. Shouldn’t we expect better of him now that he’s been elected? Instead,”President” Trump has released a list of threats, accusations, and intimidation unlike anything ever seen in the history of the United States. And yet, he is still greeted by ‘Hail to the Chief’ rather than an invitation to frog walk to a police cruiser from the Oval Office, Mar-a-Lago, New Jersey – or wherever he spends his time.

Keith has some ideas about why institutions such as the Republican Party, the Democrats and the media are still engaging in this behavior as if it is the new normal. If a high tide raises all boats, perhaps the level of a vile swamp in D.C. rises and assimilates all who go wading?