Fly on the wall RNC conference 1978 So it’s agreed first reduce taxes on the wealthiest and secondly rescind regulations that inhibit maximum profit for…
What is the difference between racism and bigotry? Racism is more specific to immutable cause where as bigotry is more universal. Of course the immutable…
Trumpers are correct about the wussiness of Democrats. It was not until yesterday that for the first time I heard someone on TV use the…
Common denominators of mass shooters : Gun enthusiast (100%) Gun owner (100%) Loser (100%) Single Male (99%) Owns an assault rifle (90%) Only with that…
A couple of good zingers last night: “CPAC speakers Glen Beck, Devin Nunez, Judge Jeanine, and Trump himself, a virtual Woodstock of the mentally impaired.”…
Manafort’s blameless life! Hilarious. I think I heard that Trump-Judge Ellis also gave Manafort time served, which moves it from 4 years to 3 years.…
Diane Feinstein is a mean girl! The Green New Deal The Green New Deal is a joint resolution, not a bill, by co authors Ed…
I AM SO ANGRY I MIGHT PUT ON A JACKET! SNL took big hits on Michael Cohen and Diane Feinstein last night, but it was…
Lynne Patton, right-wing activist and event planner for Eric Trump since 2009, wedding planer. What is missing in all this is the visual of it.…
If you see salsa call someone! While the president hunkers down at Mar a Lago having omelettes on the golf course.
The best Bill Maher NEW RULES in years! As soon as one laugh out loud hits, comes another and another. MUST WATCH.
“That Green New Deal, that, that Farrakhan loving, bug-eyed b—-h, I don’t even remember her name. The bug-eyed b—h that looks like a realtor. She…
California gummy marijuana convinced me an earthquake was coming, I asked my wife to help with the mattress because I was so afraid and thirsty……
This Bob Gorrel cartoon really caught my attention. Sure one expects some degree of bullshit from right-wing cartoonists. In this case the lie of using…