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Mitt Romney’s Attack Ad on Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Too – Jimmy Kimmel

Mitt Romney’s Attack Ad on Donald Trump, Ted Cruz   - Jimmy Kimmel

Mitt Romney is asking voters to stop what he calls “Trumpism” and support Ted Cruz, so  he released this powerful ad that really details the differences between Trump and Cruz in a very easy-to-follow way that will leave you laughing or crying.

In a previous interview Mitt Romney swore he wasn’t asked to support Ted Cruz by flustered Republicans. Romney claims  that one day in the future, he wants to tell his grand-children that he tried to stop Donald Trump.
I’m not (just) saying the Mittens plays fast and loose with the truth, but I still think Republican headquarters called in a favor with Mitt. It just makes sense that they offered him the option of campaigning against Trump, or donning a suicide vest to wear to the next Trump Rally.  Mitt chose wisely.

See how the gruesome twosome lines up on;  immigration, the economy, conservative values, gun control, abortion, the Affordable Care Act, cutting regulation, likability, and’ bombing until sand glows in the dark.’  I think you might be surprised. There’s every chance it could come down to just one thing – likability.
Is that suicide vest still handy?