A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture of what? Not quite sure. Most likely squeezing the phis out of a pinko liberal doll?…
"If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you’re not electing Christians, then in essence you are going…
Bubba and Me got together down at Mullet’s Bait to watch the election returns. We tipped the cheapest beer on Redneck Bay, mingling with the…
As the evening waned with the writing on the wall, Bubba fell into a depressing chugging funk while Okra rose to a state of Christian…
As election night wore on, Bubba drank, Okra burned and no matter how hard he tried, Rack could stop grinning, which only made matters worse.…
Me! Me! Memememe! Ok Rack, this is your shot. Mr. President, you dumped Rumsfeld three years late, and only as a political election placation at…
To: X Reverend Ted Haggard Subject: Hypocrisy and Intolerance go together like beans and farts Dear Sir, Though having a homosexual affair is not my…
I went over to Bubba’s last night for BBQ and had to suffer through an hour of Bill O’Reilly. A full straight hour of anything…
There are endless examples of Rush Limbaugh opening up the darkness inherent in the conservative heart for all to see. His rise to syndication was…
As Bubba and I finished watching the Texas Gubernatorial debate, he recanted on his recent promise to pull a straight Democratic ticket come election day.…
NYT – Washington Bureau – December, 2013The overturn of Roe vs. Wade had an immediate impact upon the nation. The Southern states used the judgment…
I had myself one good yuck a few minutes ago. I surfed over to the Modern Library where they have the list of the best…
Just got a call from Bubba, he said he had something important to tell me, a nice surprise he added. It was my turn to…
The Abramoff Affair in itself is not much of an issue; Jack Abbamoff, Michael Scanlon and Ralph Reed were just a trio of get rich…
The day the Gingrich Revolution began, Tom Delay let it be known that if the lobbyists on K Street wanted the ear of the House…